This years show was held at the Chilliwack Heritage Park in Chilliwack. The show lasted 3 days from May 13 to the 15th. This show is organized and sponsored by the B.C. Lapidary Society.
29 Rock and Gem Clubs from around British Columbia participate in these annual shows. Clubs from other provinces and states are also present.
The Venue is enormous and it includes :
- over a hundred display cases of members’ specimen collections and rock and gem artistry.
- many artists and artisans demonstrating lapidarian and related skills such as stone carving, jewellery construction, gem faceting, etc.
- a smorgasbord of vendors offering rough and polished specimens, faceted gems and jewellery etc.
- and some hands on activities such as gold panning and games.
Here is a video showing parts of this Rock and Gem show