The Frottage Technique

Video : Part 1.  Frottage : My bio and a Demo

Historically, art and information carved and cast in stone and metal engraving were recorded and preserved by taking a rubbing of the surface. In the early 20th century ,Max Ernst revived this practice calling it Frottage, from the french word meaning to rub. This video is part one of a three part series on the Frottage technique. In this first video, I have included an introductory bio.  Then join me as I  ventured out into my community in the Vancouver Lower mainland to find opportunities to demonstrate this technique. These demo takes place at Richmond City hall and the Surrey Central Cemetery.
Video: Part 2: Frottage : Artists Past and Present
Video: Part 3: Frottage : The Process, including  the complete “Streets of Japan Art Collection “- Japanese Manhole Art

The Set of  Frottages from the Streets of Japan Collection